zaterdag 30 maart 2013

PUM-EDU-NG the end

Finally the end is near. For the last time we look back at the conference and we are saying our goodbyes.

A quick  tour in delft to buy some souvenirs and a farewell dinner with team STMIK Kaputama.

Then Saturday morning we take the car to the airport. The last trip. The end of PUM Educating the Next Generation conference 2013
Farewell team Kaputama

vrijdag 29 maart 2013

PUM-EDU-NG 28-03-2013

The and of the working conference is near. today we wrapped up the presentation the participants  will present at the PUM headquarters to the CEO, Mr T. van Praag.

We ware guest at digital playground whom informed us about serious gaming as part of education.

Sarah Alley Operations Manager at the institute for Information Technology (IIT) Dar es Salaam Tanazania was ask to present the result together with Paul Dzifa Dzasa from  Evangelical Presbyterian University College (EPUC) in Ho (Ghana).

After reviving their certificate their was an farewell dinner in Rotterdam

woensdag 27 maart 2013

PUM-EDU-NG 26-03-2013

Today after working at the Rotterdam Hogeschool we went to They showed us some examples of mashing website, and ave us an idea about what  the market will need from our students.
Their offices are located at the Coolsingel in Rotterdam, from wher you can have an very nice look over the city

They also demonstrated an app for the IPad which salesman can use at home of the customer to show how an appliance would look like after it is installed in their home.

Tomorrow I'm going to work at home so there will be no addition to this blog for one day.

Zicht office live

maandag 25 maart 2013

PUMEDU-NG 25 march 2013

After traveling to PUM headquarters in Den Haag this morning Mr Polak delivered a speech on changing vocational education. emphasizing  the importance of the teacher and the change his position has to undergo.

Next we traveled to ROC Mondrian school for IT, where we were received by Ms de Kok dean of the school. After a short introduction in to the schools curriculum some of the students presented their on in progress.

The overloaded program made us hurry to Delft Technical University where they informed us about the international activities and gave us a tour around the campus. During an nice meal at the local campus pub we met some of the lecturers of the university, before returning to Rotterdam by train. 

zaterdag 23 maart 2013

PUM-EDU-NG 22 march 2013

While visiting Mr Polak's home and meeting his wife, the Sumatra team took a short course on working with a technical camera.
After that we had an nice Indonesian dinner where the team finally tasted something like their used at home.

Due to the very cold weather the Sumatra team decided to stay at the hotel to morrow and get an good rest to face the up cumming week.

vrijdag 22 maart 2013

PUM-EDU-NG 22 march 2013

To we traveled to Amsterdam by train to visit the BERLAGE Lyceum. At this Lyceum the students are using mainly I Pads from Apple. We where surprised to see that student ware gaming and looking at video's during classes.

For us I Pads will probably will be an platform for consuming information and will't suffice as a developers tools. Still consumers will switch more and more to Pads en smart phones.

Don't try this at home
After lunch at school we went to the Apple Store in Amsterdam. On the way to the store there was an nice little statue in a tree.

PUM-EDU-NG 21 march 2013

To day we finished the four't goal. This means that we have an common description of the PUM Gobal online school.

Establish PUM global online open school with the following features
1.Develop an international curriculum
2.Blended learning
3.Entrepreneurship based
4.Asynchronous learning
5.Focus on practice
6.Related to the market needs
7.Link to the local situations
After a hard days work we where had an session on how the environment of the school influences the way we have to teach our students. In this case the population of Rotterdam South with is relatively poor and have an low educated population delivers an bad motivated group of students to the school. The dropout rates where in the 60% and by changing the way teachers teach they ware able to change the dropout rate to 30%.
At the end of the day we went with a water taxi to the Euromast where we had even more speakers waiting on learning and open source. Ather dinner there is was already dark which offered us an unique view over the city by night.

woensdag 20 maart 2013

PUM-DU-NG 20 march 2013

To day is was Moodle day.
After an excellent introduction by Peter Jonker in to Moodle during the morning session we learned some of the basics of building courses our self's in the instructional afternoon session

Peter Jonker

After a dinner at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (EUR) it was time to take a look at the shuttle from Kralingsezoom to Rivium and back. It is a fully automated automobile riding from the big parking space at the Kralingsezoom to the office buildings in the Rivium quarter.

dinsdag 19 maart 2013

PUM-EDU-NG 19 march 2013

From where w work the view is great. To day we've learned about blended learning, Intercultural cooperation and asynchronous education.
Besides listening to some speakers, the group started om the task to describe what the goals should be of this working conference.

After a rather long day the was some input from the student side of school information systems. As nice as the may look and in spite of all the information that is there the undertow was the most of the students don't use the majority of these websites.

The lesson learned was that the focus of these websites is not for the students whom should use them,but probably these systems are window dressing.

At the end of the day we went with students out of Nijmegen, and Rotterdam to enjoy an Italy'n dinner.


maandag 18 maart 2013

PUM-EDU-NG 18 march 2013

We've started.
The first day it was all about meting and getting to know each other. After the morging session we went to den Haag  where we met mr van Praag CEO at PUM headquarters. He was presented some awards voor the achievement PUM had already brought to some of the projects.

zondag 17 maart 2013


Binnenwegplein Rotterdam.
Vanaf vandaag tot het eind van de maand wordt het eerste PUM-EDU-NG (PUM Educating the Next Generation) conferentie georganiseerd.
Voor deze werkconferentie zijn 4 scholen uit Sumatra, Java, Ghana en Tanzania uitgenodigd.

Vanmorgen werden ze opgevangen op Schiphol en vandaar met de Fyra naar Rotterdam. Na een korte onderbreking in het hotel werd het tijd om een korte kennismaking met de stad. Uiteraard brachten we ook even een bezoek aan de Vodafone winkel om een lokale simkaart aan te schaffen

The PUM Educating the next Generation work conferrance has started with the arrival of the participants. After their a arrival with the high speed train from Amsterdam and a short rest in the hotel, we went for a walk in the city. This included  a visit to Vodafone store for a local simcard.

zondag 10 maart 2013


Mijn jongste kleindochter wordt 13 jaar morgen. Gisteren vierde ze dat bij haar vader in Rotterdam. Natuurlijk was het erg gezellig. En kijk daarom het het nu sociale media!

My granddaughter turn 13 this Monday. Yesterday she had a party at her fathers house with his family. And look this is why it's called Socal Media!

dinsdag 5 maart 2013

Tapijt geleverd

Wachtend op slaap onderzoek Werd thuis het handgeknoopte tapijt uit Turkije tapijt afgeleverd. Ondanks een duidelijke afspraak vooraf werd Iris niet om 08:30 geholpen maar pas om 11:30 naar de O.K. gebracht.

Ondertussen blijkt ook mijn schoonzus na een dotterbehandeling weer uit het ziekenhuis te zijn ontslagen.

While my wife is waiting for a narcoleptic analysis our handmade Turkish carpet was delivered at our home. The sun is shining and the examination only took 15 minutes (after just 3 hours waiting).

Even my sister in law was released from hospital after putting a sten in one of her main arteries two days ago. It look like spring is coming!